Kyleigh’s Gift 5k

This weekend we participated in a very special event – the first annual Kyleigh’s Gift 5k/3k Run/Walk. It was held in conjunction with National Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day in memory of Kyleigh, a baby who passed away unexpectedly during childbirth. The money raised goes toward a fund her family started to provide sleep sacks for each baby born at Liberty Hospital. It’s a cause near and dear to many people’s hearts – most of us know someone who has lost a baby or had a miscarriage.

On a more upbeat note – I loved the lively atmosphere with all the kiddos! Check out the photos below.

Best balloon animal ever.
Best balloon animal ever
A butterfly release to remember Kyleigh.
A butterfly release to remember Kyleigh
Kyleigh's parents and brothers.
Kyleigh’s parents and brothers
Adorable kid's fun run.
Adorable kid’s fun run
This cutie was more interested in my camera than the fun run.
This cutie was more interested in my camera than winning the run

Photo of the Day: Big Brother

While visiting baby Addison in the hospital this weekend, we were thoroughly entertained by big brother Colton. He was having a good time running and jumping around the room, hiding in the curtain, and most importantly – playing on his parents’ iPad. He may only be 20 months old, but he’s probably better at it than I am! See how he’s changed in the blog posts below.

Newborn Colton
Colton, Age 1

Newborn Photography | Baby Ruth

Earlier this week my cousin and her husband blessed the world with Ruthie, their sixth child. Of course she’s perfectly sweet and gorgeous. Here are a few favorites from our hospital visit.

Ruth Nadine, bright-eyed at just one day old.
Ten perfect fingers…


… and ten perfect toes.
Ruthie remained wide awake during almost all of our visit.
A photo of me with Ruthie, since Mommy didn’t really want to be photographed right after giving birth.